One of the most delicious Japanese foods in the spring is strawberries!
In spring, “strawberry picking” begins in many parts of Japan.
Sweet and sour strawberries are a favorite fruit of the Japanese.
The variety of strawberries has been improved one after another, and now there are about 300 varieties of strawberries in Japan alone.
Today, I’m going to show you some typical Japanese strawberry varieties and their characteristics!
Amaou grown in Fukuoka.
Each of these strawberries is large and round.
These strawberries are juicy with low acidity and very satisfying.
The name Amaou comes from “Amai, Ookii, Umai“.
Tochiotome grown in Tochigi.
This strawberry variety accounts for the largest production volume in Japan.
This strawberry is mainly eaten in the Kanto area.
It is conical shape, bright red color, and sweet taste!
The Japanese word “otome” means “young woman”.
It means “lovely strawberries born in Tochigi”
Benihoppe grown in Shizuoka.
It is a strawberry with an average high sugar content and a moderately acidic, well-balanced flavor.
*In Japanese, there is an expression “so delicious that your cheeks will fall off”.
Japan Strawberry Map
If you eat strawberries in Japan, please pay attention to the variety.